Saturday, May 2, 2009


Are you ready for the NREMT test? You will be after taking our online EMT practice tests
2650 EMT questions online with rationales, instant grading and a detailed test tracking system that lets you evaluate and review any test at anytime!
Whether you are testing for EMT B, EMT I (i85 or i99) or EMT Paramedic we have the EMT practice tests and exams to help you pass the national registry with flying colors.

Developed from Department of Transportation criteria and written by Nationally Certified EMTs and Paramedics, this EMT training program allows you to instantly create your own practice tests online in order to study for the EMT national registry exam.

Our test questions will be an essential study tool for those who are taking their NREMT exams in the near future. It's quick and easy. Just login, choose the category of emergency Cardiac, Medical, Trauma, Special Patients/OB/Pediatric, EMS Operations, Airway/ Breathing or a combination Random test. Choose how many questions from 10-30...hit a button and your online exam is created, ready to be taken and instantly graded. It's that easy.

Testing for the NREMT is stressful regardless of what anyone says. Build your confidence and peace of mind with our proven system of practice testing that gives you instant exams and grading. Detailed cumulative scoring and test tracking allow you to watch your progress the entire way as you better your weak areas and fine tune the areas that you are already strong in.

Questions? Email Support or call 1-435-630-3640 8am - 4pm Pacific Time